Thursday, November 3, 2011

Salon du Chocolat...aka In Which We Gorge Ourselves On Gourmet Chocolate

Alas! This post is finally up :)
A couple weeks ago, the metro started putting up giant posters for Le Salon du Chocolat, (see the bottom of my previous post for picture) a convention apparently only held in Paris, New York, and Tokyo. Panels, demonstrations, samples, and a chocolate dress fashion show?? I was so there.
I'd just set my mind on going when my gastronomy teacher surprised us with the announcement a couple days later that we would be taking a class field trip to said convention--and at a reduced student price. Oh happy was I!! ;)
We went on the first day, and were given shiny, sparkly tickets--because of course Paris has to be classy with anything involving chocolate. I felt like one of those chosen kids from the Willy Wonka movie with their golden tickets...expect no body was knocked off, hehe.
I took a ton of pictures, but basically all it really was was us sampling chocolate after chocolate after chocolate after chocolate after....well, you get my point. Unfortunately, the chocolate dress fashion show wasn't to start until 5, but by that time I had to leave to pick Kevin up from school. Regardless, I loved getting the chance to marvel at such magnificent and artistic creations of the cacao nature--definitely one of the best field trips I've ever taken. Though I think that it goes without saying that everyone was just a tad bit queasy after consuming so much chocolate...
Anyways, enjoy the pics and try not to drool! :D
The entrance:
PILES of chocolate-covered marshmallow sticks:

Chocolate violins!

'Whoa' was all I had to say:
Got to try wasabi chocolate! Different, but not bad:
They had the Grand Marnier crepes going..definitely gonna have to try that sometime:
How clever, wanna try this sometimes too :)
Ok, so these were spices, but the sheer amount was just so impressive...
...though I'm not quite sure what that blue, green, and orange stuff were:
All made out of carefully textured chocolate:

Just realized I put this picture in twice and stupid Blogger won't let me delete Grand Marnier crepes again:

Chocolate/white chocolate pencils and vegetables:
Cigars, too:
Can't forget the macarons:
I want a bouquet of chocolate flowers..!
A lot, yes:

Something they call nougat. Not 100% sure what it's made of, but it's light and airy, but stiffer than marshmallow (maybe made with egg whites?) Either way, it was good:
Sausage-shaped chocolate biscuit:

Cute necklace idea:

You can all wipe your mouths now, hehe.
Love always,

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