Monday, December 12, 2011

Exhibit A

Second post today, but what the heck. As I've mentioned before, I've been doing a lot of baking (though only because I stocked up on a lot of cheap baking goods before I went broke).
Well, just thought I would give you guys a little peek into my obsession..
Egg, broccoli, bacon, cheese souflees:
Pumpkin spice muffins and cookies with creese cheese icing:
Whole grain bread I baked just a few hours ago...tasty with a nice and chewy inside :)
Ok, obviously I didn't make this next one (below), but just wanted to share with everyone a fruit that I'd seen around here for months but had never heard of/tasted in my life: kaki. So a couple weeks ago, I went out, bought one, washed it, and took a nice bite out of it...only to spit that bite back out two seconds later. It was the weirdest thing; the taste was fine and sweet, but the texture, oh god. Worst thing ever. I found out it was the skin, because the actual meat was ok. Something about the skin lends the kaki some kind of dry, terrible sensation similar to what I imagine eating sand must be like. Unfortunately, even after rigorously brushing my teeth, it took hours for the feeling to go away, and by that time, I lost interest in deceiving kaki and ended up tossing it out. Alas, maybe another time, kaki...
The kaki right before the bite
Also, this weekend I made a GORGEOUS pumpkin pie, entirely from scratch, along with mini blueberry yogurt muffins. I forgot to take pictures, but just know that they were both yummy..
That's for today,

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