Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day Deux

I'm gonna keep this short because even after my nap I am still super tired and am gonna hit the hay here soon.
Got up at quarter to 7, went to my French class again, that was fine. Killed my two hour break by having chicken kebabs at a sushi place nearby for 10 euros. (I still need to actually try the sushi in Paris...) Then found my Fashion in France class. There's only 8 of us, but Paige and Megan, also from ISA are in in, so that's cool. Had my question of what on earth we were going to do in class for 4 hours for a semester answered: half lecture with slideshow, half field trip. In fact, we had our first one today, after 2 hours of slideshow. (Though, it was just to a museum to look at paintings of women and men and to identify the time period by how they were dressed..) I thought this class would be far more intriguing and engaging considering it's size and, of course, the topic (who doesn't want to learn about fashion in France??). I guess it was interesting enough, though. And it's my only English class, which is kinda nice. And maybe things will get more interesting once we get into current fashion and designers.
I was finally done at 6 and got home by 6:30. There was no question of me taking a nap. Boom, out. Woke up about 2 hours later, Skyped with Papa for a bit, showered and here I am.
I'm happy my 3rd class of the week isn't until 2 tomorrow, (Culture and Gastronomy of France...basically about food, so stoked!! ) but I think I'm meeting Theo tomorrow beforehand so I can finally get a phone. After 3 weeks of being phoneless, I am very much looking forward to that :))
Well, TTFN

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