Friday, February 3, 2012

Oh snap a cold snap

Greetings to everyone :)
Just checking in, I assure you, despite the freezing temperatures that Paris has recently gotten, I'm still alive (though barely leaving my apartment...or my heater for that matter).
It's a chilly--if sunny--27 degrees F right now. There hasn't been enough precipitation for snow yet, but that's expected to change sometime in the next few days. It's been over a year since I've seen snow in Paris, so it should be nice. And as I don't have to drive, and the metro is underground, even better!
I'm a few days into my break now, and I've got until the 20th of this month to laze around. I'm kidding, actually I want to make this as productive as possible, especially since I ended my semester strong. (I did pretty good on my French finals:) ) Last night, I made myself go over some of the review packet I'd made a few weeks prior. Because what's the use of acing finals if the slate is wiped clean a few weeks later?
I mentioned that I was planning on moving, and now the date is set. I have to be out of here by the end of this month, though unfortunately I have yet to strike lucky in finding a place. The good news though: I've now got a future roommmate. His name is Alejandro and he's also part of the ISA program, but was attending the business school. He'd been wanting to switch to independent living for a while now, so when I decided to move, it was perfect. I have to admit, that at the beginning of the year I was really happy I'd gotten my own place, but over the course of the last couple months reality kind of sunk in and I realized that having one's own place is more expensive than sharing, especially in Paris. But as I know Alejandro well enough and I'm not getting placed with some random person, the economical factor is definitely worth it.
However, finding an available and decent 2-bedroom apartment hasn't been easy. I must've e-mailed about 20 different owners already, but all of them have replied that the place had been rented. We kind of have a suspicion that maybe it's because we mentioned we're foreigners in our e-mail...;/ Regardless, we both need a place by the end of this month, and so will probably have to actually call some of the people and hope for a more favorable response. (And hope that our French is good enough and/or that the person doesn't speak too fast..)
Well, maybe I should go out and do something, despite the chill. I can at least take advantage of the couple hours of daylight, right? The bookstore and then maybe a cafe sounds like a nice idea..;)
Love you all,

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